Applications, Licences & Permits

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The Township administers various licences and permits for individuals and organizations to ensure public health and safety, consumer protection, and quality control of service.

Please review the list below for the Township's list of applications, licences and permits.

Animal Services

Building and Planning

  • Building and Renovating

  • Culverts and Entrance Permits

  • Planning and Development

  • Septic System Permits

  • Sign Permits

  • Short Term Rental Licence

Burn and Fireworks Permit

Lottery Licence

  • Lottery Licence

Marriage Licnce

  • Marriage Licence

Special Events

Lottery Licence

The Township issues lottery licences for:

  • Bingo events with prize boards of up to $5,500.00.

  • Break Open Tickets for local organizations when they are not connected with another lottery event.

  • Non-electric raffle lotteries for total prizes of $50,000 and under.

  • Bazaar lotteries which include: wheels of fortune, blanket raffles, and penny auction raffles.

Please note that all licences are subject to an application fee of 3% of prize value of the total prize value or a minimum of $10.


To get a lottery licence, your organization must:

  • Be active in the Township of Alnwick/Haldimand.

  • Invest the proceeds in our community.

  • Be in operation for at least one (1) year.

  • Have a Canadian dollar trust account for lottery proceeds.

View the Lottery Licensing Policy Manual for more detailed information.


Lottery Reporting

If you get a lottery licence through the Township, you must submit a Lottery Report within 30 days of the expiry of the licence.

More Information

The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario has more information on lottery licencing in Ontario.

Marriage Licence

The Township of Alnwick/Haldimand issues Marriage Licences at the Township's office, 10836 County Road 2, Ontario, K0K 2G0:

  • Monday to Friday

  • 9:00am to 4:30pm

The fee is $150.00 in cash, debit, or cheque (we do not accept Visa or Mastercard).

Marriage Licence Application

You must fill out and complete the Marriage Licence Application Form. The form takes about 20 minutes to complete.

A Marriage Licence can only be issued to the applicants named on the application. Both of you must sign the Marriage Licence Application Form. Only one of you needs to be present to get the licence. That person will need to bring identification documents for both parties.

You must note the date and place of the ceremony on the application to issue the licence. A Marriage Licence is valid for 90 days anywhere in Ontario after it is issued.

Identity Documents (ID)

Please bring the completed form with two sets of ID for each applicant. One ID must prove your identity and the second must be photo ID.

    • Birth Certificate (including any change of name certificates)

    • Valid Passport

    • Record of Immigrant Landing

    • Canadian Citizenship Card

    • Canadian Permanent Resident Card

    • Valid Driver's Licence

    • Valid Passport*

    • Ontario Photo Card

    • Native Status Card

    • Nexus Card

    *If you use a valid passport as your proof of ID, you can not use it as your photo ID.

Please note we do not accept photocopies.

Languages and Translation

You must translate all documents that are in a language other than English or French by a certified translator.


If you do not understand or read English, you must bring your own interpreter. The interpreter must also present two pieces of identification (one photo identification, one other) and sign an affidavit of interpreter.

Under 18

The minimum age to get married in Ontario is 16. Anyone under the age of 18 must have parental consent. Parents must sign a Consent of Parent or Guardian to Marriage Form and provide photo identification. Consent forms are available at the Township Office.

If you are previously divorced

If any party to the marriage has had a Canadian Divorce, you must bring the original Certificate of Divorce with you to get a marriage licence.

You can get this certificate from the original courthouse where your divorce case took place. We do not accept photocopies. If you need more information, please call our Clerks Department at 905-349-2822 ext. 25 or 32.

Divorce outside of Canada

If any party to the marriage has a previous divorce that took place outside of Canada, you will need to get approval of the foreign divorce certificate from the Office of the Registrar General. The Foreign Divorce Office needs at least four weeks to process the application.

Marriage Certificates

Marriage certificates are records of your marriage. To get a marriage certificate or more information, please visit Ontario Marriage Certificate Online.

Marriage Ceremonies

Marriage ceremonies take place at the Township Office during office hours, other arrangements may be available upon request. The fee for the ceremony is $275.00 for ceremonies during regular office hours and $350.00 for ceremonies outside of regular office hours. Fee is payable with cash, debit or cheque.

Reserve your ceremony

Contact the Township's Clerks Department by email at or phone at 905-349-2822 ext. 25 or 32 to reserve your ceremony. Please read the Civil Marriage Solemnization Policy for all regulations in regards to the event.

You must have your valid marriage licence before the ceremony. See above for details on receiving a marriage licence.

Contact Us

Township of Alnwick/Haldimand
10836 Cty. Rd. 2
PO Box 70
Grafton ON K0K 2G0
T. 905-349-2822
F. 905-349-3259