Home & Property
Home / Living in Our Community / Home and Property
The Township of Alnwick/Haldimand issues permits when you are building or renovating your home. We can help manage issues with your property related to our By-laws. We are here to ensure buildings in the Township are safe and comply with legislation.
Property Standards
Find more information through the Property Standards By-Law. Find more information on other By-Laws.
Property Assessments
The Township of Alnwick/Haldimand does not determine the property value assessments. Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) administers a uniform, province wide property assessment system. This system determines current values and classifications for all properties in Ontario.
Every four years, MPAC evaluates properties to determine their value for taxation purposes. They use market value to determine property value. We use the assessed value of your property as the basis for calculating your property taxes.
Do you disagree with your assessment?
If you disagree with MPAC's determination of your property value, you can ask MPAC to review your assessment through the request for reconsideration process.
More information…
For valuation and assessment information about your property, call the MPAC office at 1-866-296-6722.
Visit the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation website for more information about the assessment process and your assessment notice. Watch the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation's video to learn how your taxes are calculated.
AboutMyProperty is a tool from MPAC to help you understand your property's assessment.
Visit MPAC's YouTube channel for helpful videos regarding your property taxes.
Changing Your Address
It is the responsibility of the property owner to seek out their taxes, whether a tax bill has been received or not. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve a taxpayer from payment of taxes, nor from liability of penalty charges for late payment.
Change of Mailing Address
You must notify the Township if you change your mailing address. Complete our Change of Address Form to update your information with the Township.
It is the taxpayer's responsibility to inform the Township of Alnwick/Haldimand Finance Department of a change of mailing address.
Change of Ownership
What you need to know:
If the property has been sold, please forward the tax bill to the new owner, or return it to our Finance department immediately.
The existing Property tax account number stays with the property.
We recommend a property tax certificate, which indicates the amount of taxes owing by the previous owner in order to adjust the existing tax account.
We need written authorization accompanied by the transfer deed to update ownership of a property.
Property Taxes
You will receive two tax bills each year. The interim tax bill is 50% of your previous year's property taxes, as per the Returned Assessment Roll. The second bill is issued upon the approval of the current year's budget for the Township of Alnwick/Haldimand and once the Province of Ontario provides us with a tax rate.
If there is a change in ownership, please submit a change of address form.
Read more about changing your address here.
We have multiple payment options available to help you pay your taxes online.
Read about available payment methods here.
You can sign up to have scheduled withdrawals for your tax payments.
Learn More about pre-authorized payments here.
The Township of Alnwick/Haldimand does not determine the property value assessments. Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) administers a uniform, province wide property assessment system. This system determines current values and classifications for all properties in Ontario.
Learn more about property assessments here.
Learn more about tax certificates here.
Exact tax due dates change each year but are in the months of February, April, June, and September.
View current and past tax rates here. Keep your final tax bill for income purposes to avoid paying a $10.00 fee for a copy.
Payment Methods
We have multiple payment options available to help you pay your taxes on time. Please let us know if you have changed your mailing address by filling out the change of address form. Find more information about changing your address.
Please note that late payments will have a penalty of 1.25% added on the first day of the month following the due date, and on the first day of each calendar month after that. Failure to receive a tax bill does not excuse you from the responsibility for payment.
Methods of Payment Include:
You can pay your property taxes at the Township Office using:
Post-dated cheques
A secure drop box is available at the Township office main door if you cannot make it during regular business hours. Please do not leave cash in the drop box.
We would appreciate it if all taxpayers could provide the “roll number” on the front or back of their cheques. Find the Roll Number by searching your bill for a number beginning with “1450”.
You can pay property taxes at your bank. You will need to go in to your bank and speak with a teller in order to pay your property taxes. Make sure to have your bill with you.
Make your cheque out to the Township of Alnwick/Haldimand and mail it to:
Township of Alnwick/Haldimand
10836 County Rd 2, Box 70
Grafton, ON
K0K 2G0
Using your online bank, search for “Alnwick/Haldimand Twp Taxes”.
Remember that your tax roll number is your account number. All account numbers will be 19 digits, starting with 1450 and ending with 0000. Please enter your number starting at 1450, with no dashes, slashes, or spaces to the last 0000 on the Roll number.
You can make paying your taxes easier by setting up a pre-authorized payment system. Fill out a pre-authorized payment form.
Pre-Authorized Payments
Pre-Authorized Payments Plans have the option of withdraws:
Four (4) times per year on the installment dates.
Ten (10) times per year from February to November withdrawn on the 15th of the month.
How Can You Join?
Ensure all property taxes are paid in full.
Print out and complete our Pre-Authorized Payment form.
Choose your plan.
Attach a void cheque or pre-authorized bank form.
Send it to us by email, mail, or in person.
You can also pick up pre-authorized payment forms at the Township Office, 10836 County Road 2, Grafton, ON.
Tax Rates
Taxes are calculated based on your property assessment as determined by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). To establish your property's assessed values MPAC uses a system called Current Value Assessment. It analyzes sales of comparable properties in the area.
Previous Tax Rates
Tax Certificates
Tax certificates show the amount of money owing against a property. If you are buying a new property you can order a certificate to be sure there is not an outstanding amount owing when you take ownership. Your lawyer must write a letter requesting a certificate along with a $75.00 fee payable to the Township of Alnwick/Haldimand.
To get a tax certificate, please contact the Township of Alnwick/Haldimand's Tax Administrator, Kathy Moran at propertytaxes@ahtwp.ca or 905-349-2822, ext. 31.
Affordable Senior Housing
Haldimand Court Apartments is a retirement home located 121 Harnden Drive, Grafton ON. For more information contact them at 905-349-3610.
Utility Providers
Bell provides TV, internet and telephone services.
View more information about Bell, or call them at 1-866-301-1942.
Canada Post
Canada Post provides mail service to most homes within Alnwick/Haldimand.
View more information about Canada Post, or call them at 1-866-607-6301.
Enbridge Gas
Enbridge Gas provides natural gas service. Availability is subject to location within the Township.
View more information about Enbridge Gas, or call them at 1-888-427-8888.
Hydro One
Hydro One provides hydro to homes within Alnwick/Haldimand.
View more information about Hydro One, or call them at 1-888-664-9376.
Lakefront Utilities Inc.
Lakefront Utilities Inc. provides electricity services to homes in Alnwick/Haldimand. Availability is subject to location within the Township.
View water reports and additional information about Lakefront Utilities, or call them at 905-372-2193.
Rogers provides TV, internet and telephone services.
View more information about Rogers, or call them at 1-866-210-4059.
Private sewage/septic systems only, there are no sanitary sewage services in Alnwick/Haldimand.
Contact Us
Deputy Clerk
Township of Alnwick/Haldimand
Grafton Municipal Building
10836 County Road #2, Grafton
Ontario, Canada K0K 2G0
T. 905-349-2822 x 32
Don Butwell CBCO
Chief Building Official
Township of Alnwick/Haldimand
Grafton Municipal Building
10836 County Road #2, Grafton
Ontario, Canada K0K 2G0
T. 905-349-2822 x 27
Kathy Moran
Finance Administrator – Tax & Revenues
Township of Alnwick/Haldimand
Grafton Municipal Building
10836 County Road #2, Grafton
Ontario, Canada K0K 2G0
T. 905-349-2822 x 31
Township of Alnwick/Haldimand
Grafton Municipal Building
10836 County Road #2, Grafton
Ontario, Canada K0K 2G0
T. 905-349-2822 x 26