Finance Department

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Finance Department

The Finance department is responsible for the administration of all financial matters relating to the Township. These financial matters include operating and capital budgets, accounts payable, property tax billing, accounts receivable, employee payroll, and property tax collection as well as a variety of other functions.

The Treasurer must follow the Statutory duties in the Municipal Act and is to keep Council informed about financial need and changes throughout the year, as well as overseeing the budget process.

Finance is also responsible for the Asset Management Plan which serves as a strategic and tactical financial document, ensuring the management of municipal infrastructure follows a sound asset management principal and practice.

The Township is responsible for billing and collecting property taxes annually, not only for the Township but also for the School Boards and the County of Northumberland.

When property owners do not pay their taxes in a timely fashion it can cause a strain on the finances of the Township. Payments to the County and School Boards still must be paid, even if they are not collected. It can cause a short fall in funds, which could result in projects being put on hold or cancelled. This is why tax collection is an important function in a Municipality. Tax Collection can be as simple as creating a payment plan for residents to get caught up, or as complex as property being registered for tax sale.

Financial Statements


The approval of the Township of Alnwick/Haldimand's budget is one of the most important tasks for Council each year. The budget provides a foundation to meet the public service needs of our residents and to make decisions on Township infrastructure. We use an approach that will provide high quality service, continue to grow our resources, and keep property taxes affordable.

The 2025 Operating and Capital Budgets were approved by Council on February 10, 2025 with a 4.7% levy increase after growth. A 2% Infrastructure Levy was also created to help fund the future infrastructure and asset needs of the Township, bringing the total property tax impact to an increase of approximately 6.7%.

Contact Us

Township of Alnwick/Haldimand
Grafton Municipal Building
10836 County Road #2, Grafton
Ontario, Canada K0K 2G0
T. 905-349-2822 x 28