Building & Renovating
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Township of Alnwick/Haldimand staff oversees the enforcement of the Ontario Building Code Act in order to ensure health and safety in the Township.
What do you want to build?
Requirements for a building permit:
Complete building permit application consisting of:
Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish
Schedule 1: Designer Information
Applicable Law checklist
Plumbing permit
Two (2) copies of plans including (refer to Home Builder’s Guide for assistance):
Grading and drainage plan prepared by a qualified person
Building plans that include the following information:
Floor plan(s)
Elevation drawing(s)
Cross section detail(s)
Refer to Fees and Charges By-Law for Applicable Fees
A deck is a raised uncovered platform that is attached to a dwelling. A deck generally requires a building permit, and will need protective guards if it has a walking surface greater than 24 inches above grade.
A porch is a covered structure that usually forms part of the entrance of a dwelling. It may be enclosed or unenclosed. Any porch requires a building permit and will need protective guards if it has a walking surface greater than 24 inches above grade.
A patio is an uncovered platform at grade level that is usually constructed of concrete or stone. A patio generally does not require a building permit, unless it interferes with an existing structure.
Requirements for a building permit:
Completed building permit application consisting of:
Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish
Schedule 1: Designer Information
Applicable Law checklist
Two (2) copies of plans including (refer to Deck Guide for assistance):
Site sketch showing the location of the proposed deck, porch or patio including dimensions and distance from property line(s) and other buildings
Building plans that include the following information:
Floor plan(s)
Cross section detail(s)
Refer to Fees and Charges By-law for Applicable Fees.
Requirements for a building permit:
Completed building permit application consisting of:
Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish
Schedule 1: Designer Information
Applicable Law checklist
Two (2) copies of plans including (refer to Home Builder's Guide for assistance):
Site sketch showing location of proposed garage, accessory or carport including dimensions and distance from property lines, septic tank/bed and other buildings
Building plans that include the following information:
Floor plan(s)
Elevation drawing(s)
Cross section detail(s)
Refer to Fees and Charges By-law for Applicable Fees.
Requirements for a building permit:
Completed building permit application consisting of:
Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish
Schedule 1: Designer Information
Applicable Law checklist
Plumbing permit
Energy Efficiency Design Summary (depending on the type of renovation)
Two (2) copies of plans including:
Site sketch showing location of proposed addition including dimensions and distance from property lines, septic tank/bed and other buildings
Building plans that include the following information:
Floor plan(s)
Cross section detail(s)
Refer to Fees and Charges By-law for Applicable Fees.
Requirements for a building permit:
Completed building permit application consisting of:
Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish
Schedule 1: Designer Information
Applicable Law checklist
Plumbing permit
Two (2) copies of plans including:
Building plans that include the following information:
Floor plan(s)
Refer to Fees and Charges By-law for Applicable Fees.
Requirements for demolition permit:
Completed building permit application consisting of:
Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish
Site survey that shows building's original footprint and location: to be used for future proposed construction.
Refer to Fees and Charges By-law for Applicable Fees.
Northumberland County reviews plans, issues permits and performs inspections for septic system permits in the Township.
Culverts and Entrance Permits
Please contact the Township for associated fees.
Please be sure that your contractor is aware of the following specifications:
Entrance Culvert Requirements:
New steel culverts only; plastic culverts will not be accepted.
Minimum culvert size is 18 inches (450 millimetres) in diameter and 30 feet (9 metres) in length.
Couplers must be a five (5) corrugation bolt coupler.
No sheet metal, dimple type couplers will be allowed.
Backfilling Requirements:
Granular “A” gravel must be used around the culvert and for the top surfaces of the entrance.
Leave 2-3 feet of culvert exposed at each end with a 2:1 back slopes.
12 inch (300 millimetres) of fill over the top of culvert (minimum).
Must be installed to warrant the drainage flow.
Size of culvert may vary due to drainage requirements. Any variation in culvert size will be determined by the Public Works department. For additional information or to arrange an on-site meeting, please call the Township of Alnwick/Haldimand Public Works Department at 905-349-2700. The Municipality reserves the right to deny entrance permit if the installation will cause a safety hazard. In the event that the installation costs to the Township exceeds the fee, then the additional costs will be billed to the applicant. The applicant will clearly stake the location of the proposed entrance for the inspection and approval of the Public Works Department prior to the entrance being installed.
Entrance Permit Refund Application
Entrance Deposit Refund must be applied for between the months of April and November, and within two (2) years of the date of the application. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of the deposit to the Municipality.
If the entrance is installed by the municipality then the fees, plus deposit fee is due and payable. Only part of the deposit is refundable.
In the event that the installation costs to the Township exceeds the fee, then the additional costs will be billed to the applicant.
Part of deposit is refundable if entrance is installed by the applicant.
Deposit fee less administrative fee is refundable after an occupancy permit has been issued and Public Works Department has certified entrance and adjacent road surface.
Agriculture refundable portion of deposit will be held for 30 days after entrance permit has been approved.
Fill By-Law
The Fill By-Law controls dumping fill, removing fill and altering grades on properties within the Township.
Flood protection.
Environment protection.
Protect sites for future construction of buildings and structures.
Minor Fill Operation
Application Fee: $100.00
Permit Fee: $250.00
Small Fill Operation
Application Fee: $100.00
Permit Fee: $500.00 (including Application Fee)
Large Fill Operation
Application Fee: $500.00
Initial Permit Fee: $1000.00 (including Application Fee) plus $1.00/cubic metre of Fill 50% of initial permit fee
Submit an application to dump fill, remove fill or alter grade.
The By-Law allows fill placement and/or grade alteration by permit only. Exceptions are in the Fill By-Law. Please direct questions to Don Butwell, CBCO at 905-349-2822 extension 27.
For more information, please refer to the Fill By-Law and the Guideline for the Importation of Fill.
Pool Permits
Pool Permit By-Law
Thinking about getting a pool?
A pool enclosure permit must be obtained from the Building department for any pool that is more than 24 inches in depth, regardless if there is an existing fence.
An individual is required to keep the gate of a swimming pool enclosure locked at all times except when the enclosed area is in use.
A pool enclosure fence permit is required on private property. Other types of fences on private property may not require a permit.
Prior to constructing a pool, it is advisable to visit the Building Department to apply for a pool enclosure permit.
Submit an Application to Construct or Demolish.
Sign Permits
All signage or advertising within the Township of Alnwick/Haldimand requires a sign permit. Sign permits are administered in accordance with the Sign By-Law.
Requirements for the Sign By-Law Permit:
Complete the application form.
Provide a copy of the plans including:
Site sketch showing location of proposed sign including dimensions and distance from property lines, septic tank/bed and other buildings.
Sign specifications.
Pay appropriate fees.
Types of Signs
Off Premise Signs
A sign identifying or advertising a business, person, activity, goods, products or service, which is not related to, or available at the premises where the sign is located.
On Premise Signs
A sign identifying or advertising a business, person, activities, goods, products or service that is available at the premise where the sign is located.
Building 2024 Year End Report
Contact Us
Don Butwell CBCO
Chief Building Official
Township of Alnwick/Haldimand
10836 Cty. Rd. 2
PO Box 70
Grafton ON K0K 2G0
T. 905-349-2822
F. 905-349-3259